Class 10th English Objective

1. January Night -Prem Chand

1. Who has writteir “January Night ? 

(A) Mahadevi Verma
(B) Mahatama Gandhi
(C) Vidyapati
(D) Premchand

 Answer ⇒ D

2. Who was, Jabra”?

(A) dog
(B) sheep
(C) ox
(D) monkey

 Answer ⇒ A

3. Premchand is originally known as

(A) Dhanpat Pandey
(B) Dhanpat Rai
(C) Dhanpat Mistri
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒ B

(B) 4. Which of the following work of Premchand was banned by the British Govt.?

(A) Godean
(B) Nirmala
(C) Soje Vatan
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒ C

5. Who was Halku?

(A) A Washerman
(B) A Tenant Farmer
(C) A Goldman
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒ B

6. What kind of woman was Munni.,

(A) She was the wife of Halku
(B) She was a typical housewife
(C) She was very concerned about her incomes and husband
(D) All of the above

 Answer ⇒ D

7. Halku worked as

(A) A tenant farmer
(B) An Engineer
(C) A supervisor
(D) A doctor

 Answer ⇒ A

8. Munni advised Halku to hire himself out as a

(A) Tenant
(B) Labourer
(C) Farmer
(D) Shopkeeper

 Answer ⇒ B

9. Halku heard some munching and crunching sounds coming from the

(A) House
(B) Fields
(C) Terrace
(D) Groves

 Answer ⇒ B

19 Munni asked Halku how he could have ……………… peacefully when his crops were being destroyed.

(A) Slept
(B) Jumped
(C) Eaten
(D) Travelled

 Answer ⇒ A

11. At the end of the story, Halku is

(A) Sad
(B) Confused
(C) Angry
(D) Contented

 Answer ⇒ D

12. The litter truth in Halku’s word came charging at her like a wild …………..

(A) crow
(B) animal
(C) beast
(D) bird

 Answer ⇒ C

13. Halku curled up drawing his ……………… close against his chin.

(A) feet
(B) knees
(C) mouth
(D) hands

 Answer ⇒ B

14. Jabra looked at him with eyes overflowing with ……………..

(A) love
(B) hatred
(C) threat
(D) affection

 Answer ⇒ A

15. Suddenly Jabra picked up the ……………. of some animal.

(A) sound
(B) calling
(C) cry
(D) noise

 Answer ⇒ D

16. The Dipper had not yet ……………. half the sky.

(A) climbed
(B) decline
(C) arrived
(D) reached

 Answer ⇒ A

17. Jabra barked his ……………. and trotted on toward the orchard.

(A) management
(B) settelment
(C) confinement
(D) agreement

 Answer ⇒ D

18. Who was Dhanpat Rai? “

(A) Mool Chand
(B) Gyan chand
(C) Prem Chand
(D) none of these

 Answer ⇒ C

19. “Godaan’ is writen by ……

(A) Dhyan Chand
(B) Ram Chandra
(D) Prem Chand
(C) Mohan Chand

 Answer ⇒ D

20. Why could Halku not guard his field?

(A) due to his sleep
(B) due to cold
(C) due to laginess
(D) none of these

 Answer ⇒ A

21. Who devastated the field of Halku ?

(A) Jabra
(B) a ghost
(C) nilgai
(D) none of these

 Answer ⇒ C

22. Why was Halku contented with the ruin of his field ?

(A) because he got rid of guarding the field
(B) because he get rid of paying rent
(C) because his field was devastated
(D) none of these

 Answer ⇒ A

23. Mushi Premchand was also known as

(A) Raja Ram Raj
(B) Dhanpat Premchand
(C) Dhanpat Ray
(D) Munshi Dhanpat Raj

 Answer ⇒ C

24. Minshi Premchand was born in .

(A) 1880
(B) 1780
(C) 1870
(D) 1888

 Answer ⇒ A

25. Munshi Premchand died in

(A) 1926
(B) 1936
(C) 1896
(D) 1836

 Answer ⇒ B

26. Munshi Premchand was born in

(A) Munghyr
(B) Lucknow
(C) Varanasi
(D) Patna

 Answer ⇒ C

27. Pratigya’ and Karmabhoomi’ were the well-known works of

(A) Renu
(B) Premchand
(C) Giridhar Jha
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒ B

28. Jabra was

(A) Landlord
(B) Tanant Farmer
(C) Halku’s dog
(D) None of these

 Answer ⇒ C

29. Munni Wanted to buy a

(A) Bangle
(B) Saree
(C) Blanket
(D) Kurti

 Answer ⇒ C

30. All the money that Halku earned was spent on

(A) His field
(B) On Munni
(C) On his dog
(D) Paying off debts

 Answer ⇒ D

31. Who entered Halku’s field?

(A) Jabra
(B) Munni
(C) Jamindari
(D) Some nilgais

 Answer ⇒ D

32. Halku’s field was destroyed by

(A) Jabra
(B) Munni
(C) Nilgais
(D) Jamindar

 Answer ⇒ C

Class 10th English Objective Question

 1The Pace For Living 
 2 Me And The Ecology Bit 
 4What Is Wrong with Indian Film 
 5Acceptance speech 
 6Once Upon A Time 
 7The Unity Of Indian Culture 
 8Little Girl Wiser Than Man
 1God Made The Country
 2Ode On Solitude
 3Polythene Bag 
 4Thinner Than A Crescent
 5The Empty Heart
 7The Sleeping Porter
 S.N  Supplementry English Reader -II
 1The January Night
 3The Bet
 5Sun And Moon
 6Two Horizones
 7Love Defiled

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