Class 10th English Objective

class 10th english objective Questions bihar Board 2021 chapter 5 Acceptance Speech मैट्रिक परीक्षा 2021 का प्रश्न उत्तर

 1. Aung San Suu Kyi was fighting for ……… in Burma.

(a) democracy
(b) dictatorship
(c) monarchy
(d) tyranny

  Answer ⇒ A   

2. The Novel peace prize was given to Suu Kyi in :

(a) 1922
(b) 2000
(c) 1990
(d) 1991

  Answer ⇒ D  

3. Aris firmly believed that his mother would have accepted the prize for all the ……… of Burma, not for herself.

(a) people
(b) monks
(c) politicians
(d) soldiers

  Answer ⇒ A  

4. Aris feels that the common people of Burma would be the ultimate ………. when Burma became a peaceful and free country.

(a) winners
(b) losers
(c) rulers
(d) slaves

  Answer ⇒ A  

5. Aris felt the Nobel peace prize given to Suu Kyi would help the Burmese people …….. themselves a little more.

(a) overestimate
(b) respect
(c) underestimate
(d) indulge

  Answer ⇒ B  

6. Who is the author of the article “Acceptance Speech’?

(a) Aung San Suu Kyi
(b) Khuswant Singh
(c) R.C. Hutchinson
(d) Rohinton Mistri

  Answer ⇒ A  

7. Which of the following country do Aung San Suu Kyi belong ?

(a) Bangladesh
(b) Myanmar
(c) Malyesia
(d) Indonesia

  Answer ⇒ B  

8. When was Aung San Suu Kyi born ?

(a) 19 June, 1945
(b) 21 July, 1944
(c) 8 November, 1948
(d) 25 September, 1946

  Answer ⇒ A  

9. Aung San Suu Kyi is a …..

(a) Revolutionary
(6) Pro-democracy Activist
(c) Classical Dancer
(d) Poetess

  Answer ⇒ B  

10. What is the name of the political party headed by Aung San Suu Kyi ?

(a) National Congress
(b) Myanmar League
(c) National League for Democracy
(d) Myanmar Congress

  Answer ⇒ C  

11. Who received the Nobel Prize awarded to Aung San Suu Kyi ?

(a) Her Son
(b) Her Sister
(c) Her Mother
(d) Her Daughter

  Answer ⇒ A  

12. Who’s dedication and personal sacrifice comes to be a worthy symbol through whom the plight of all the people of Burma may be recognised ?

(a) Aung San Suu Kyi
(b) Her Son
(c) People of Burma
(d) None of these

  Answer ⇒ A  

13. Which of the following prize was awarded to Suu Kyi ?

(a) Nobel Prize
(b) Rafto Prize
(c) Sakharov Prize
(d) All of these

  Answer ⇒ D  

14. How would she being her speech according to the son of Aung San Suu Kyi ?

(a) With thanks
(b) With Joy
(c) By saying, the she accepts Nobel Prize in the name of all the people of Burma
(d) None of these

  Answer ⇒ C  

Class 10th English Objective Question

 1The Pace For Living 
 2 Me And The Ecology Bit 
 4What Is Wrong with Indian Film 
 5Acceptance speech 
 6Once Upon A Time 
 7The Unity Of Indian Culture 
 8Little Girl Wiser Than Man
 1God Made The Country
 2Ode On Solitude
 3Polythene Bag 
 4Thinner Than A Crescent
 5The Empty Heart
 7The Sleeping Porter
 S.N  Supplementry English Reader -II
 1The January Night
 3The Bet
 5Sun And Moon
 6Two Horizones
 7Love Defiled

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