Class 10th English Objective

class 10th english objective Questions bihar Board 2021 chapter 6 Once Upon A Time मैट्रिक परीक्षा 2021 का प्रश्न उत्तर

1. The old woman was :

(a) foolish
(b) wise
(c) shy
(d) bold

  Answer ⇒ B   

2. The young people asked the old woman a question whose answer could only be given by one who could :

(a) hear
(b) smell
(c) read
(d) see

Answer ⇒ D  

3. The old woman was ……… enough to know she could not help the young people.

(a) stupid
(b) intelligent
(c) strong
(d) suspicious

Answer ⇒ B  

4. The sadness of the slaves made them sit with their…………. bent.

(a) wrists
(b) shoulders
(c) spoons
(d) legs

Answer ⇒ B  

5. Every one of the slaves knew that the next stop will be their :

(a) first
(b) second
(c) fourth
(d) last

Answer ⇒ D   

6. Who is the author of this article ‘Once Upon a Time ?

(a) Aung San Suu Kyi
(b) R.C. Hutchinson
(c) Toni Morrison
(d) Rohitan Mistri

Answer ⇒ C  

7. Who is the first black woman to receive Nobel Prize?

(a) Aung San Suu Kyi
(b) Toni Morrison
(c) Amrita Pritam
(d) None of these

   Answer ⇒ B  

8. When did Toni Morrison receive the Nobel Prize ?

(a) A.D. 1990
(b) A.D. 1992
(c) A.D. 1993
(d) A.D. 1994

   Answer ⇒ C   

9. Which of the following awards was also given to Toni Morrison ?

(a) Booker Award
(b) Remon Magssessay
(c) Politzer
(d) None of these

   Answer ⇒ C   

10. Which of the following is the recent novel of Toni Morrison?

(a) Merchant
(b) Paradise
(c) Apartheid
(d) None of these

   Answer ⇒ B   

11. How was the old woman ?

(a) Blind
(b) Wise
c) Softly Spoked
(d) A.S.U

   Answer ⇒ D   

12. What is the position of old woman in her neighbourhood ?

(a) Hatred
(b) Respected as Rural Prophet
(c) As quarreling woman
(d) None of these

   Answer ⇒ B  

13. Why did the young people visit the old woman ?

(a) To say her to leave her house
(b) To disprove her clairvoyance
(c) To approve her clairvoyance
(d) None of these

   Answer ⇒ B  

14. What disability did the woman have ?

(a) Fatness
(b) Unable to move
(c) Blindness
(d) Could not talk

   Answer ⇒ C 

15. Did she know about their motive ?

(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Confused
(d) None of these

   Answer ⇒ B   

Class 10th English Objective Question

 1The Pace For Living 
 2 Me And The Ecology Bit 
 4What Is Wrong with Indian Film 
 5Acceptance speech 
 6Once Upon A Time 
 7The Unity Of Indian Culture 
 8Little Girl Wiser Than Man
 1God Made The Country
 2Ode On Solitude
 3Polythene Bag 
 4Thinner Than A Crescent
 5The Empty Heart
 7The Sleeping Porter
 S.N  Supplementry English Reader -II
 1The January Night
 3The Bet
 5Sun And Moon
 6Two Horizones
 7Love Defiled

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