Class 10th English Model Paper

Model Paper 2022 Class 10 Bihar Board English ka model Paper class 10th bihar board patna 2022

1. According to Jim. who uses electric appliances the most ?

(A) Women
(B) Men
(C) Young girls
(D) Old men

Answer ⇒ A

2. The colour of Gillu’s eyes was :

(A) red
(B) green
(C) blue
(D) black

Answer ⇒ C

3. A polythene bag does not get ………

(A) torn
(B) destroyed
(C) dissolved
(D) assimilated

Answer ⇒ C

4. Radha’s tears have carved a

(A) river
(B) statue
(C) sea
(D) hole

Answer ⇒ A

5. The proter is out of :

(A) courage
(B) breath
(C) money
(D) energy

Answer ⇒ B

6. Sun and Moon are the names of :

(A) Guests
(B) Children
(C) Adults
(D) Servants

Answer ⇒ B

7. “The Pace for Living’ is written by :

(A) Aung San Suu Kyi
(B) Toni Morrison
(C) R C Hutchinson
(D) Satyajit Ray

Answer ⇒ C

8. In ‘The Pace for Living’, the writer captures the agony of ……. man.

(A) modern
(B) ancient
(C) future
(D) uncivilized

Answer ⇒ A

9. The narrator talks about how he advises everybody what they should do to protect the

(A) elderly
(B) ecology
(C) children
(D) pedestrians

Answer ⇒ B

10. The narrator told Mr. Williams not to burn leaves as it is …… for the air and ecology.

(A) excellent
(B) bad
(C) good
(D) helpful

Answer ⇒ B

11. The lesson ‘Gillu’ is about true friendship between a human being and a/an

(A) animal
(B) alien
(C) microorganism
(D) ghost

Answer ⇒ A

12. Everyone told the narrator that the squirrel would not …… after being atttacked so badly by the crows.

(A) move
(B) eat
(C) live
(D) sleep

Answer ⇒ C

13. The lesson, ‘What is wrong with Indian Films’ the author compares Indian films with ……. films.

(A) Korean
(B) Japanese
(C) Western
(D) Pakistani

Answer ⇒ C

14. Aung San Suu Kyi was fighting for …. in Burma.

(A) democracy
(B) dictatorship
(C) monarchy
(D) tyranny

Answer ⇒ A

15. In the lesson ‘Once upon a time’ the old woman was

(A) foolish
(B) wise
(C) shy
(D) bold

Answer ⇒ B

16. The young people asked the old woman a question whose answer could only be given by one who could

(A) hear
(B) smell
(C) read
(D) see

Answer ⇒ D

17. Indian have shown the power to make …… changes and of becoming used tonew situations.

(A) big
(B) little
(C) monstrous
(D) gigantic

Answer ⇒ B

18. The two girls forgot their ……. and became friends again.

(A) anger
(B) jealousy
(C) envy
(D) farms

Answer ⇒ A

19. According to the poet, ‘God made the country’ health and virtue can be found in

(A) towns
(B) cities
(C) villages
(D) factories

Answer ⇒ B

20. The towns people do not enjoy any real –

(A) seenery
(B) food
(C) drink
(D) fun

Answer ⇒ A

21. The villagers can do very well without the ….. lights of the town.

(A) grand
(B) dim
(C) shining
(D) soft

Answer ⇒ A

22. Hours, days and years slide away ….. for the happy man.

(A) hard
(B) quickly
(C) softly
(D) tensely

Answer ⇒ C

23. When human beings try to hide the felling of ‘hurt’ inside other feelings of sadness, it is not

(A) forgotten
(B) remembered
(C) recorded
(D) polluted

Answer ⇒ B

24. Radha’s friends were ….. about her.

(A) angry
(B) worried
(C) happy
(D) ecstatic

Answer ⇒ B

25. Greed is …… but life is not.

(A) worthy
(B) bad
(C) good
(D) endloco

Answer ⇒ D

26. The high-pitched strains of the koel wakes in the poet’s soul a thousand

(A) dreams
(B) desires
(C) memories
(D) longings

Answer ⇒ C

27. As a result of very hard work, the porter’s ….. beat fast.

(A) pulse
(B) heart
(C) nerves
(D) muscles

Answer ⇒ B

28. The poet knew Martha when he was a

(A) servant
(B) child
(C) shopkeeper
(D) teacher

Answer ⇒ B

29. Halku heard some muching and crunching sounds coming from the

(A) house
(B) fields
(C) terrace
(D) groves

Answer ⇒ B

30. The ….. path of allergy development is widely referred to as “the allergy march.

(A) side
(B) twisted
(C) direct
(D) indirect

Answer ⇒ C

31. To prove that the lawyer hated everything that the world …… he was going to give up his right to the two million.

(A) criticized
(B) valued
(C) lost
(D) found

Answer ⇒ B

32. Mr. Gessler was a ……. bootmaker.

(A) Russian
(B) German
(C) French
(D) English

Answer ⇒ B

33. Sun and Moon went downstairs hand in hand to meet the

(A) guests
(B) relatives
(C) neighbours
(D) friends

Answer ⇒ A

34. The most fancy food item was the ice

(A) cake
(B) pudding
(C) pastry
(D) chocolate

Answer ⇒ B

35. The daughter is filled with a sense of ……. and emptiness.

(A) tiredness
(B) sleepiness
(C) greed
(D) poverty

Answer ⇒ A

36. The narrator of ‘Love defiled’ was faced with parental opposition and …..kin.

(A) understanding
(B) bellicose
(C) helping
(D) supportive

Answer ⇒ B

Direction (37–40) : Choose the most suitable translation.

37. हरी कहाँ गया है ?

(A) Where has Hari gone ?
(B) Where have Hari gone ?
(C) Where has hari went ?
(D) Where have Hari go ?

Answer ⇒ A

38. खेलना एक प्रकार का व्यायाम है-

(A) Playing a kind of exercise.
(B) Playing is a kind of exercise.
(C) To play are a kind of exercise.
(D) None of these .

Answer ⇒ B

39.उसका घर एक सरकारी दफ्तर के निकट है –

(A) His houses is besides a government office.
(B) He housed is behind a government office.
(C) His house is near a government office.
(D) None of these.

Answer ⇒ C

40.मीरा नहीं रो रही है –

(A) Mira is not crying.
(B) Mira has not crying.
(C) Mira are not crying.
(D) Mira was be not crying.

Answer ⇒ A

Direction (41 – 44) : Choose the most suitable preposition.

41. We deal ……. textiles.

(A) with
(B) in
(C) on
(D) at

Answer ⇒ B

42. He felt pity ……. the poor.

(A) to
(B) in
(C) for
(D) of

Answer ⇒ C

43. Do you believes …….. rebirth ?

(A) in
(B) up
(C) out
(D) down

Answer ⇒ A

44. Tom is good …….. drawing.

(A) in
(B) of
(C) at
(D) by

Answer ⇒ A

Direction (45-48) : Choose the correct form of verb.

45. The train ……. just arrived.

(A) do
(B) does
(C) have
(D) has

Answer ⇒ D

46. This dog ……… very loudly.

(A) barks
(B) bark
(C) barking
(D) None fo these

Answer ⇒ A

47. There …….. two errors in your work.

(A) is
(B) was
(C) shall
(D) are

Answer ⇒ D

48. Haryana ……… an agricultural state.

(A) is
(B) was
(C) were
(D) are

Answer ⇒ A

Direction (49–52) : Choose the indirect speech of the given sentences.

49. The’Guru said, “Work is worship.”

(A) The. Guru said that work is worship.
(B) The Ġuru said that work are worship.
(C) The Guru said that work was worship.
(D) None of these .

Answer ⇒ A

50. Vijay said to me, “What do you want ?”

(A) Vijay asked me what I want.
(B) Vijay asked me what did I wanted.
(C) Vijay asked me what I wanted.
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ C

51. He said to me, “Don’t disturb me.”

(A) He asked me not to disturb him.
(B) He asked me to not disturb him.
(C) He asked me to do not disturb him
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ A

52. He said, “Help! help.”

(A) He shouted for help.
(B) He asked for help.
(C) He advised for help.
(D) None of these.

Answer ⇒ A

Direction (53–56) : Choose the correct spellings.

53.(A) National
(B) Netional
(C) Natioonal
(D) Nationnal

Answer ⇒ A

54.(A) Marcet
(B) Market
(C) Mercet
(D) Merket

Answer ⇒ B

55. (A) Alon
(B) Aalon
(C) Alone
(D) Allone

Answer ⇒ C

56. (A) Return
(B) Retarn
(C) Riturn
(D) Reetarn

Answer ⇒ A

Direction (57-60): Choose the correct option of the following.

57. Passive voice of “Open the windows.”

(A) Let the window be opened.
(B) Open the window, please.
(C) Let the open the window.
(D) The window be opened

Answer ⇒ A

58. Passive voice of “He will teach me.”

(A) I shall teach me.
(B) I will be teach me.
(C) I shall be teach him.
(D) I shall be taught by him.

Answer ⇒ D

59. Active voice of “The truth was spoken by Ajay.”

(A) Ajay spoke the truth
(B) Ajay is speaking the truth.
(C) Ajay was speaking the truth.
(D) Ajay has spoken the truth.

Answer ⇒ A

60. Active voice “Was a book bought by him.”

(A) A book was bought by him.
(B) Did he buy a book ?
(C) He bought a book.
(D) Did a book buy by him ?

Answer ⇒ B

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